As you may know, Shari and Dawn went to Malawi a month ago, September 2024. It was a fabulous trip and, long story short, we ended up adopting a primary school in Bongera Village in the Mchinji District of Malawi. We were amazed to see the conditions under which the children (over 600 in the school) are expected to learn: without desks, sitting on dirt floors, with 90 students to every teacher, and without books. Despite the absence of essentials (e.g., electricity, paper, pencils, hygienic bathrooms) all approached education with a spirit of expectation and grace. The teachers spoke to us of their wish list to better enable them to deliver the best opportunity to the children, since primary school is the only education provided by the government. That means that after the age of 13, children have no more opportunity for formal education unless their families can pay for it. We left the school feeling that something must be done. And unlike the bureaucracy that we face in the US, the remedy for it is simple…money. The Chief of the village and principal administrator of the school is a good friend, Mr. Laurence Tenthani. He has been in this position for several years, and has addressed many of the challenges, including improving the safety of the school by replacing thatched roofs with those of tin.
In this era of struggle to maintain hope, we have an opportunity to reach outside of our bubble to make a real impact. So, we are asking you to donate to our cause. Our registration as a charitable organization is in application status, expected to be completed in early 2025. Should you need the Letter of Determination, please let us know. For now, donations can be made in cash, or by check and mailed to either: